Active Travel

Promoting healthy and sustainable travel at Kingsfleet

Kingsfleet is the Sustainable Urban Extension to Thetford. At Kingsfleet we want to encourage and promote residents to be aware of and to use Active Travel.

Active Travel is all about promoting healthy and sustainable travel options, encouraging residents to walk, cycle and use public transport for their journeys whenever this is feasible. And to reduce dependence and frequency of car based journeys.

Typical figures for Thetford (from the 2011 census) are that 15% of travel to work and school is by car. We will work with Kingsfleet residents to target a reduction in the 15% figure and show that Kingsfleet is truly sustainable.


Walking and cycling are the most sustainable modes of transport and encouraging walking and cycling not only reduces the overall use of cars, but also has major benefits for the peoples health.

The retail unit at the front of the development will soon be open giving easy walking access for local shopping.

Safe walking routes are already present in Kingsfleet with links to Tesco’s and the town centre.
Over time as more of Kingsfleet is built walking routes will be extended and offsite road junctions improved to encourage walking journeys.


Current guidance suggests that cycling is likely to be a suitable means of reaching destinations within 4 miles cycling distance (20 minutes cycle time) from Kingsfleet. This puts the whole of Thetford, including the rail station, within comfortable cycle distance of Kingsfleet.

Within Kingsfleet shared walking and cycling routes are provided on Victory Way, with access from local residential roads. Over time the cycling network will be extended to provide a continuous cycle route crossing Norwich Road and through to Tesco’s and Kilverstone Road.


Kingsfleet is currently served by bus services on Norwich Road. The 90 bus to Norwich now stops close to Kingsfleet. Provision of a new bus stop near to the traffic lights is being considered.

As Victory Way is extended to the north the current 82/83 Thetford Town Circular services will be extended to loop through Kingsfleet, with an additional bus on the route.


Not all journeys can be made by cycle, walking, bus or train. For some journeys particularly in a rural area a car is the only practical means to travel.

Sharing your car journey with others travelling to the same (or close) destination reduces car usage.

Carshare can be organised through Liftshare which brings together potential drivers and passengers with close destinations.


We are keen to involve Kingsfleet residents (all ages) in thinking about and promoting ideas and initiatives for Active Travel. This might for example be forming cycling groups, walking clubs, or community car groups for hospital and doctor appointments. Thetford Management Company will help with forming and supporting these groups. The Steering Group is an opportunity for interested people to bring ideas to fruition. If you are interested please provide your contact details on the link below.